
"When the disabled are missing, the Christian community itself becomes disabled.’

The World Council of Churches

We are currently seeking to further develop our work in this area, by:

  • making sure churches are properly equipped and supported to help welcome disabled people into their communities
  • making sure disabled people themselves are valued equally, fully included, and able to contribute their gifts and skills

Link to other organisations and resources

The law

General information

General advocacy and resource groups

Sight loss

Deaf and hard of hearing


  • The British Dyslexia Association – support for those with dyslexia and useful information to help make all aspects of an organisation more accessible.  Including a useful downloadable resource guide to producing dyslexia friendly publications

Learning disabilities

  • Wave for change – being church with people with learning difficulties in London
  • Mencap – the voice of learning disability
  • Count Everyone In – support, training and encouragement for churches to include adults with learning disabilities
  • The Additional Needs Alliance – helping churches to include, support, create places of belonging for, and spiritually grow children, young people and young adults with additional needs or disabilities.  Support, training and information for families and churches to make inclusion a reality. 
  • Urban Saints ‘Invited to belong’ – training to make your youth and childrens ministry welcoming to young people with additional needs

Neuro divergent


Mental health

Building and access



Page last updated: Wednesday 8th May 2024 11:59 AM
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