Changing Lives Prayer Network

We are all called to actively partner with God and be the change in the world he call us to be - and prayer is a crucial part of our hearing and partnering with God. Prayer helps us grow closer to God who loves and is love. Prayer makes a difference and enables us to grow in love, generosity and wisdom. Prayer changes lives!

The Changing Lives Prayer Network is about encouraging and engaging us all to:

  • Listen more intentionally for God’s direction for mission through our prayer
  • Connect more purposefully with one another, sharing stories of God at work
  • Equip one another to pray more – and to pray more deeply

You are part of our Changing Lives Prayer Network by praying, wherever you are, for God to change all our lives – so that we might change the lives of others through his love and for his glory.

Our Changing Lives Prayer Network is co-ordinated by Lyndall Bywater and our artist-in-residence Primrose Northrop oversees our montly Calendar of Prayer. They are always happy to hear from you and always welcome feedback.

To stay in touch with our prayer network please complete the form below.

Page last updated: Wednesday 19th February 2020 4:59 PM
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