Every parish, benefice and deanery showing signs of revitalisation

This bold outcome underpins the others. What does new life look like? How will we notice the signs of the Holy Spirit moving, and most importantly, how will we respond?

The Bold Outcomes which underpins the others is ‘every parish, benefice and deanery showing signs of revitalisation’.

We are all encouraged to explore what new life looks like. How will we notice the signs of the Holy Spirit moving, and most importantly, how will we respond?

Our diocesan vision is of Changed Lives → Changing Lives. This focusses us on the life-changing love of Christ which we have experienced and points us outward to consider how we can make that love real for others. At its simplest, we can witness and encourage revitalisation simply by talking about our faith.

It is all about ‘noticing’ and ‘naming’.

  1. Noticing – what God is saying; what God is doing; when we’ve been aware of God’s presence.
  2. Naming – speaking what we’ve noticed out loud to another person.

What if we could get used to noticing and naming what God is doing, then talk about it with all kinds of people: everyone from the person sitting next to us at church to the person who has no idea we even have a faith? Our parishes and benefices are encouraged to practise three simple, accessible, triedand-tested ways to help individuals and congregations notice the presence and work of God in the world, then talk about it with confidence and joy.

» Changing Lives Conversations

» Dwelling in the Word

» Announcing the Kingdom

Revitalisation in School Christian Communities

Romney Marsh is one of the last unspoiled areas of south-east England. The fourteen churches, which presently comprise the Romney Marsh Benefice, are mainly rural in nature but also include the more heavily populated coastal area.

The churches of the benefice seek to be involved in the one secondary and six primary schools in the area. This partnership approach has been particularly successful where the schools have welcomed the church in on a regular basis.

The benefice is led by Team Rector Revd Chris Hodgkins who has a weekly visit to St Nicholas CE Primary in New Romney for collective worship. Chris said: “The children never cease to amaze me with their answers to my questions and their singing is brilliant. I particularly like meeting with the worship leads to listen to their ideas about worship and how they can help in the community.”

In November 2023, Chris led a confirmation for 17 candidates and six members of staff.

“Running the confirmation classes for Years 5 and 6 is a real highlight for me as I get to see how much the children develop spiritually in a relatively short period of time and really get to know them. I’m working with the school to help with their transition to secondary school so that their discipleship can continue as they mature into teenagers.

“Building the relationship with the staff, pupils and their parents has grown the link between the church and the school into a thriving Chrisitan community. A particular highlight was baptising three siblings and when the fourth was confirmed. We also held a harvest service which was attended by over 700 people. It was a fantastic opportunity to welcome families into our church. I always come away from each encounter with the school feeling blessed by God.”

Page last updated: Tuesday 13th August 2024 3:43 PM
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