Led by Peter Morris, the North Downs Way Officer, places are limited for the day-long guided walk. For more details please contact kadams@diocant.org
The conference itself is bringing world experts from across Europe – including Sweden, Italy, Romania and Norway - to talk about how they have been developing pilgrim routes and sites in their own countries to inspire others as to the environmental, economic and spiritual wellbeing opportunities offered by pilgrimage and long distance walking.
Pilgrimage has become something of a growth area in recent years, with the routes like the St James Way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain (also known as the Camino), experiencing a 46 per cent growth in religious and non-religious pilgrimage in the last 17 years. With increasing numbers, the duty and potential for pilgrims and walkers to have a positive impact on the environment is significant.
For those interested in finding out more about green pilgrimage there are many useful resources available on the Green Pilgrimage Network website, including the Green Pilgrimage Network handbook.