More and more people in the UK are struggling with money and debt. 600,000 families are spending more on repaying debts than on food. One in four adults have less than £500 saved to cover an emergency. Nearly 9 million adults are over-indebted but only 1 in 6 are currently seeking help.
In 2016, churches and communities across the country responded to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Mustard Seed Appeal to raise money for those in financial distress. The money raised totalled over £100k and led to the creation of the Just Finance Foundation.
Now in its first year, the Just Finance Foundation is looking to change the shape of finance in our nation. The work will focus on helping people out of financial crisis and building a new generation who can manage money wisely.
The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Mustard Seed Appeal is returning in 2017 so that the Just Finance Foundation can reach further across the country and reach more people in financial distress. Could you make a difference this harvest?
The Mustard Seed Appeal is asking churches to share their harvest collection or host a small event at harvest to raise money to build Archbishop Justin’s vision for a fairer financial system.
This is a chance to bring about change, to make finance fair for all. Find out how you can get involved in the Mustard Seed Appeal and download a free service resource featuring sermon notes, prayers, and more.
Find out more at www.mustardseedappeal.org.uk