In the competition, children were asked to draw an A4 picture showing how they visualised what happened on that first Easter Sunday morning. Sharon came runner up in our primary school category.
CEO David Marshall said, ‘One of the special things about The Real Easter Egg is that we share the Easter story in a book which comes free with each egg. We were fascinated to see how young people visualised that first Easter Sunday. We had a massive entry from primary schools but this entry from Sharon really summed up the joy of Easter. It is lovely and colourful and shows the moment from the Gospel of St Mark when the women meet a young man dressed in white at the tomb who tells them that Jesus is risen. We would like to thank all at Frittenden for their support for the competition.
Frittenden Church of England Primary School will receive £150 and winners receive a Special Real Easter Egg each.
Notes to Editors
The Real Easter Egg is the only Fairtrade Easter egg to tell the Easter story and raise money for charity. It is available in TESCO, Morrisons and Waitrose as well as through a range of local shops and online suppliers. For more information visit realeasteregg.co.uk
David Marshall 07834320120
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