540 mile Lent challenge nears completion

The Stour Downs Lent challenge is underway to walk from Durham Cathedral back to Ashford via 15 other cathedrals


The Stour Downs Lent challenge is underway to walk - on a treadmill – the equivalent distance from Durham Cathedral back to Ashford via 15 other cathedrals, including Canterbury.

This ambitious project will see the team cover 540 miles and raise money for the homeless winter night shelters in Ashford.

No strangers to a challenge, this is the parish that brought you the “40 Blankets in 40 Days” project in 2017 and the 3,000 mile cycle ride to Jerusalem in 2015.

Church Warden and one of the organisers Di Dawson said: “We always want to do something different for Lent and this seemed like a great idea.

“It certainly not been easy but as we make the journey we are learning about the different cathedrals and as we reach those milestones we share that achievement with all those that visit us.

“We’re displaying pictures of the places we’ve reached and encourage everyone to have a go and join in. Our team is steadily making the journey but we would like more people to join in as we’ve still got a way to go!”

If you would like to take part in the Stour Downs Lent challenge please email Di Dawson at cirrus.five@yahoo.co.uk.
First published on: 28th March 2019
Page last updated: Friday 2nd August 2019 12:54 PM
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