Join us at St Paul’s Church in Canterbury on Monday 24 February from 7.30pm for a talk by Ruth Valerio about her Lent book ‘Saying yes to life’, which is the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for this year.
Each chapter contains prayers and discussion questions to be used by groups who meet for Lent, with additional study resources and interviews available via a dedicated website.
Complementing this book, the Church of England have developed a #LiveLent Care for God’s Creation campaign on social media. For the first time, the Lent book and digital campaign support each other, with emails, apps, web links and booklets for both adults and children containing daily bite sized reflections and actions. Click here for more information.
To register your free place on Monday 24 February, please go to www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ruth-valerio-saying-yes-to-life-tickets-89966621587