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Could you be a flood warden?

First published on: 27th June 2019

Helping the community before, during and after a flood<br /> <br /> <br /> There is a shortage of flood wardens across the county so the Kent Resilience Forum is asking churches to encourage people within their communities to volunteer for the role.<br /> <br /> Churches can

Canterbury ordinations

First published on: 27th June 2019

On Saturday, 15 men and women were ordained at Canterbury Cathedral.<br /> <br /> <br /> 01/07/19<br /> <br /> Teachers, a nurse, farm manager and songwriter joined football and Dungeons and Dragons fans as those being ordained at the service that was led by the Archbishop o

People Not Walls – A declaration for change

First published on: 17th June 2019

A declaration calling for better treatment of those seeking asylum<br /> <br /> 17/06/19<br /> <br /> A declaration calling for better treatment of those seeking asylum will be signed in Dover to mark international Refugee Week.<br /> <br /> People Not Walls: The Cross-Channel Hu

Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage 2019

First published on: 17th June 2019

A round up of the 24-hour period of intentional prayer<br /> <br /> <br /> 17/06/19<br /> <br /> Pupils, parishes and pilgrims from across the world came together for this year&rsquo;s Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage.<br /> <br /> The 24-hour period of intentional prayer included a

Pupils' pilgrimage

First published on: 7th June 2019

And, so it has begun, our journeys of renewal, discovery and of praise with the 24 hour Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage.<br /> <br /> <br /> 07/06/19<br /> <br /> Pupils from Goodnestone and Nonington Church of England Primaries are taking part in activities all around

Bishop of Dover retires

First published on: 13th May 2019

The Rt Revd Trevor Willmott has retired as the Bishop of Dover.<br /> <br /> <br /> 13/05/19<br /> <br /> He served in this role for nearly ten years, taking on additional responsibilities for the Channel Islands in 2014. Bishop Trevor concluded his public ministry by preach

The Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage 2019

First published on: 7th May 2019

Book your Cathedral pass for Saturday 8 June <br /> <br /> The Diocesan Day of Prayer and Pilgrimage is fast approaching!<br /> <br /> It's on Friday 7 and Saturday 8 June and it's 24 hours of intentional prayer for renewal and mission and there's loads more information

Jean Vanier tribute

First published on: 7th May 2019

The Archbishop of Canterbury pays tribute to Jean Vanier<br /> <br /> 08/05/19<br /> <br /> Jean Vanier lived the Gospel in such a beautiful way that few who met him could fail to be caught up in it. I join countless people around the world in deep sorrow at his death,

Vocations Sunday – your toolkit!

First published on: 1st May 2019

The perfect opportunity to talk about lay and ordained vocations.<br /> <br /> <br /> 01/05/19<br /> <br /> Vocations Sunday is on 12 May 2019 to encourage people to explore their calling, to share stories, ask questions and discover.<br /> <br /> There is a worship resource available

Cathedral visit of solidarity

First published on: 1st May 2019

The Imam and members of the Islamic community's visit of solidarity to the Cathedral.<br /> <br /> 01/05/2019<br /> <br /> The Imam of Canterbury Mosque and members of the city&rsquo;s Islamic community made an impromptu visit of solidarity to the Cathedral during the Eucha

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