Quick Wins Grant

The Diocese of Canterbury will distribute a small number of grants, approximating £59,000 in total, to help parishes on their way to Net Zero Carbon. The focus is to reduce the energy footprint of buildings such as churches and halls.

Grants will cover 50% of the total cost for projects over £2500.  Projects below £2500 can be covered in full by this grant. Please note: the maximum grant is £10,000 per church/church hall. 

We welcome applications from any consecrated church or licenced place of worship in the diocese needing repairs or wishing to make improvements to the building. 

Projects could include:

  • Changing lightbulbs to LED
  • Making sure your rainwater goods are working to redirect water away from your building 
  • Doing small things that make your heating more efficient

How to apply

Our intention is to ensure that the application process is simple and effective. Funds need to be given to parishes by the end of 2025.

A guidance document is avalaible to download below; it contains all the essential information you must be familair with before making an application, so, please, do read it carefully.

To register your interest, please email sbarrett@diocant.org

Recommendations to strengthen your application:

In the meantime, start preparing for your application with these first steps: 

  • Complete your Energy Footprint Tool data for the church buildings. We’ve even created a simple guide for you.
  • Download and complete the Practical Pathway to Net Zero Carbon to generate a carbon reduction plan. This is especially so if you do not already have a church decarbonisation plan.
  • Perhaps you would like to explore becoming an Eco Church. 
Page last updated: Friday 14th March 2025 11:15 AM
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