- Canterbury Diocese Headteachers' Handbook 2024-25 (PDF)
- Guidance for CE Admissions Authorities in the Diocese of Canterbury 2026-27 (PDF)
- Rural and small schools statement
Diocesan Strategy for a Church School System
The Strategy for the Church School System in the Diocese of Canterbury states a clear ambition to maintain a cohesive, interdependent family of diocesan church schools, dedicated to transforming the lives of children and young people. The Board of Education seeks to be responsive to local contexts and attentive to the political landscape for education, both regionally and nationally, whilst holding a neutral position in relation to whether schools operate within the maintained sector or convert to academy status.
- Strategy for the Church school system in the Diocese of Canterbury (PDF - updated October 2023)
- Policy for Federations
- Academy guidance (PDF - December 2022)
- Guidance for reviewing long-term plans (PDF) A guide to an annual review conducted by Governing bodies and senior leaders to consider and explore the sustainability and resilience of their school.
Model policies
- Collective Worship Policy - a model for adaption (Word - updated June 2022)
- Religious Education Policy -A model for adaptation. (Word format)
RSE Guidance
For further information about implementing the statutory RSE guidance contact Natalie Ralph
Monitoring of Collective Worship
- Collective Worship Monitoring Sheet (updated) - designed for observing an act of worship and providing opportunity for discussion afterwards
- CW observation sheet for children (an example of the sorts of questions you could ask children to complete after an act of worship)
- Impact of Collective Worship – Snowflake discussion activity (designed to get a view of worship over time - see guidance on the sheet)
Capital Works in schools
Schools are required to obtain consent from their site trustees and the Diocesan Board of Education for Capital works required for their school building or playground, and in some case where the diocese owns additional land.
Please complete the this consent for capital works form and return to our Schools Officer, Andrew Collie on acollie@diocant.org.
Carbon Action Plan
- Every school must have a Carbon Action Plan covering four key areas: decarbonisation; adaptation and resilience; biodiversity; and climate education and green careers.
- Every school must be covered by a Nominated School Sustainability Lead, either within the school or academy trust.