Caring for Creation

God’s gift of creation - our natural world - provides everything to sustain our lives.  As humans, we're appointed by God as stewards of life on earth, and yet our actions have contributed to the widespread extinction of species.  Now, human-induced climate change (the biggest environmental challenge we face) is damaging the most vulnerable people on earth and could ultimately jeopardise our very existence.

In late 2019, the Church of England Environment Group called for greater action on Climate Change across the Church.

Our diocese believes that care for creation is fundamental to our mission. At our Diocesan Synod in November 2019 a new resolution was passed unanimously. It read:

This Synod recognises the Environment and Climate Emergency, and commits to the following:

  • Learning the facts about today’s environmental degradation and human-induced climate change
  • Speaking the truth about the emergency and the changes that are needed to safeguard the environment and mitigate climate impact
  • Taking the necessary action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2030, and to model ways in which our faith and congregations can enable all of God’s creation to flourish
  • Fighting social injustices caused by the environmental crisis
  • Implementing the Diocesan Environment Policy 2019 and Action Plan
  • Including our care for the Environment within our diocesan strategy

Our Diocesan Environmental Policy details our commitment to caring for creation. 

Sign up to our newsletter focusing on the environment.

Eco Diocese

The Diocese of Canterbury is registered as an Eco Diocese and is committed to striving to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life on earth. Our commitment to reducing emissions to net zero by 2030 and in demonstrating good environmental practice can be seen in our Environment Policy and Care for the Environment Strategy.

Diocesan Environmental Officer

Joyce Addison is our Diocesan Environmental Officer. You can contact her via email via the Diocesan Offices on 01227 459401. 

Eco Church South East going beyond bronze

You can find many useful links shared at the event on 8 May 2021 here.

Why care?

Why care, why act, why pray? A two-part theological reflection on why caring for creation is an intrinsic part of our Christian faith and our calling as church.

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What are we doing as a diocese?

Find out what we're trying to do as a diocese to better care for creation.


Eco Champions

Eco Champions to help promote care for the creation.

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Where do I start?

Find out how you can take action on climate change.


Church Energy Footprint Tool

The Energy Footprint Tool (EFT) is a national Church of England tool for churches to record energy use and calculate their annual carbon emissions.

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Find out how your school can take action to care for creation.


Eco Church

A Rocha UK's award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God's earth.

eco church

Environmental news and events

A digest of environmental news from across the diocese, the world and blog that will explore our role as caretakers of God's creation.


Church and PCC Action

Find out what your church can do to care for creation.

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"Choosing Life"

A joint statement on climate change has been released, signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch.

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