Latest News

Grant for Churches Together in Dover

First published on: 11th January 2021

Find out about the new grant

Letter from Archbishop Justin and Bishop Rose to our parishes

First published on: 6th January 2021

A letter from our Bishops on the feast of Epiphany 2021

Emergency Fund for Kent

First published on: 23rd December 2020

A fund launched to help manage the impact of the restricted movement of people and traffic in the county.

Julian Hills to retire

First published on: 16th December 2020

Julian Hills has announced his retirement from his role as our Diocesan Secretary

Living in Love and Faith

First published on: 9th November 2020

Living in Love and Faith resources published as bishops issue appeal to Church to ‘listen and learn together'

New online Collective Worship available for schools

First published on: 9th October 2020

The launch of online weekly acts of Collective Worship for schools

IICSA Report: Open Letter from our Archbishops

First published on: 7th October 2020

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, IICSA, published its overarching investigation report into the Church of England and Church in Wales on 7 October. Ahead of its publication, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, the lead safeguarding bishop and the national director of safeguarding published an open letter.

Introducing our New Revs for 2020

First published on: 6th October 2020

The ordinations of priests and deacons for Canterbury Diocese began at Canterbury Cathedral

Introducing our new ordinands 2023

First published on: 18th September 2020

Read about our new deacons and priests

Welcome our new Readers

First published on: 18th September 2020

Admission and Licensing of Readers service on Sunday 20 September

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