Be inspired at the ideas workshops

First published on: 14th June 2024

Are you interested in finding out more about new ideas or how to do things differently in your parish?

Would you like some fresh ideas or to hear about how other people are trying new ways of being church in their communities?

The summer ideas workshops are hosted by our Archdeacons and are a place to be inspired by our diocesan officers and people in other parishes. We'd also love to hear from you during the interactive workshops if you have good ideas that you would like to share.

Everyone is welcome, whether you are a member of a school, parish, benefice or deanery in our diocese. 

The three events will cover the following workshops:



You will have a choice of three workshops at each event and there will be time to attend two of these.

Each event will start with a welcome at 7.15pm and we aim to finish by 9.00pm. 

Please sign up using this link so that we know how many people to expect.

Page last updated: Monday 17th June 2024 9:28 AM
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